Our CEO went to Silicon Valley to attend a certificate program on entrepreneurship from Stanford University

Our Products


Blockchain-based carbon market

DCarbonX uses blockchain to facilitate trading of carbon credits, recording each transaction in an incorruptible ledger. DCarbonX is a subscription software for corporates licensed to generate carbon credits.

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Carbon offset platform

CNet0 provides verified green projects to offset your carbon emissions. In CNet0, registered carbon offset providers showcase their offsets for purchase by all.

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Carbon footprint calculator

CTrackX helps to calculate your annual carbon emissions segregated by different activity areas, generates a report and helps to compare your results with per capita emissions in other countries.

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Our Awards

Our Insights

Carbon Markets & Blockchain

What is a Carbon Offset?

Women & Tech Series

Our CEO shares her entrepreneurial journey, key strategies for success, and invaluable advice for women entrepreneurs.

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Our Media & International Presence

Nash fintechX at Digital Asset Report on Fintech TV

DCarbonX at Doha, Qatar

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Our Reflections

Web 3.0, Metaverse & NFTs

Metaverse & NFTs Explained

Research Report on NFTs

The report provides a summary of the key venture considerations relating to investment and predictions based on the strategic growth of the non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem. The report was authored by our CEO, Dr. Khan, who won the VC Scholar (venture capital training) program, where the report was one of the deliverables. The VC Scholar program was conducted by MiddleGame Ventures in partnership with the LHoFT, Luxembourg.

The future of fintech in Europe

Emerging technologies, cybersecurity and regulations are all supporting pillars of fintech. What would be the impact of COVID-19 on fintech?

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Blockchain for developing economies: India

Blockchain as an immutable, distributed ledger accords power to the people. Can it solve the issues related to Adhaar card in India?

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